The Walk
Today's walk was especially hard!
The temperature, even when set off at 7.15am, was already in the high teens and after leaping across the famous stepping stones we started the sharp ascent of Box Hill. I've walked up this hill several times, over the years, but add a rucksack and the morning sun and the end result was two very sweaty unlikely pilgrims!
The walk continued through the Surrey Hills and included more ascents of Colley and Gatton Hills that nearly finished us off and meant we welcomed the site of the town of Mertsham, where we stopped for a bite to eat and a good deal of rehydration.
The trail then weaves across both the M25 and M23 before hitting more hills!
After what felt like an eternity of walking, we started to sense we were closing on our destination; Westerham.
We looked at the map and decided that instead of following the NDW and then walking back to Westerham (we were both very tired) it would be sensible to branch off on a trail called the Vanguard Way, which appeared to bring us steadily into Westerham.
What a mistake that turned out to be! Not only is the Vanguard way clearly a neglected trail - we had to fight through nettles, thorns and thick undergrowth - but one of the farmers had also decided to muck spread his field leaving no trail unaffected by the foul smelling coverage (we looked a right pair once we eventually crossed the field).
Insult was added to injury (I fell down a hole on this lovely trail), when the route we had expected to take was not possible as it was on private forestry land, where the trails no longer exist.
After a further detour we finall made it to Westerham after more than 9 hours of walking. That must deserve a donation!!
As lovely as they are, we are glad to see the back of the Surrey hills and to enter the Garden of England, Kent.
Church watch with Phil
St Katherine's Church, Mertsham
The Stats
We walked just over 40km in 9 hours 10 minutes.
Please Donate
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Special thanks to Martin who met at Gatton and Andy from Westerham who gave cash donations which will be added to our JustGiving page.
Wanted to express admiration for the dogged determination to complete this 4th day stage regardless of the obstacles you encountered. A lesson for many aspects of life including PD of which I am in the early stages. Well done. And hope you slept well. Watching progress with great interest. Another sunny day I guess.